Department of «Higher Mathematics and Physics»

Head of Department

Karybayeva Gulnaz Akylovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
acting associate professor

Work phone:
8 (727) 396-71-33 (int. 134, 133)


Department address:
Furkat, 348/4, building 2B, 5th floor, office. 519

The department "Higher Mathematics and Physics" was founded in 1968, as part of the Almaty branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, from the day it was opened in Almaty. The organizer and the first head was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Mendakov N.S. Among the first representatives of the scientific and pedagogical school of the department were: Biryukova F.G., Matakaeva G.S., Klunny P.P., Dzhumabekova B.Zh., Dzhumagalieva M.B., Retivov N.A., Dosmaganbetov T.D. ., Beisegulov B.B., Sarsenbaev E.S., Andryushin V.I., Bekov A.A., Kartashov V.M., Dzhusupova K.A., Tuseev T.T. More than 50 years of pedagogical activity was given to the university by a veteran of the department, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Ph.D. Bulabaev T.B..

Over the long history, the department was headed in different years by: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor T.S. Kosherov, Academician of the International Engineering Academy, Academician of the NIA RK, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of ATU Voronin A. M., Candidate of pedagogical Sciences Akilova A.Yu., Candidate of technical Sciences Myrzageldieva Zh.M., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Karybaeva G.A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Aliev B.A..

A great contribution to the development of the department was made by Academician of the International Academy of Engineering, Academician of the NIA RK, Ph.D. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the MAE, Professor of ATU Tokbergenov D.B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences ., Professor Musabekov O.U.

Currently, the number of teaching staff of the department is 14, including 14 full-time teachers, 2 doctors of sciences, 6 candidates of Sciences, 2 PhD, 4 masters. 

The mission of the department "Higher Mathematics and Physics" is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of science, engineering and technology, who have fundamental mathematical and physical knowledge and are capable of their effective application in the study of special disciplines and in professional activities.

The teaching staff of the department annually take advanced training courses, participate in scientific and methodological seminars and conferences.

With the aim of developing learning in youth interest in the disciplines of physics and mathematics cycle, identifying talented students, their involvement in research activities, the department of "Higher Mathematics and Physics" holds annual Olympiad in mathematics and physics among students of ATU.


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from 8:30 to 17:30